The Luxembourg Army, maintaining peace all around the globe...
"Fighting for peace" - a seemingly contradictory expression that underlines the conviction of the Luxembourg Army to engage abroad since the early 1990s. Following the first Gulf War, in April 1991, the first Luxembourg soldiers were deployed to the Middle East to deliver humanitarian aid to the Kurdish civilian population taking refuge in the mountains along the Turkish-Iraqi border. As part of a coalition of nine countries under American command, the Luxembourg contingent is taking care of people in danger and restoring security in Kurdish villages. With the outbreak of the war in Yugoslavia, the situation suddenly changes. The provision of humanitarian aid was no longer sufficient and the reactivity of military forces, capable of intervening in given situations, became essential to maintain peace. A precise legal framework for such a commitment was lacking in Luxembourg's legislation. Signed on 27 July 1992 by the Grand Duke and published in the Mémorial shortly after, the law regulating the participation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in peacekeeping operations within the framework of international organizations finally came into force. In order to enable Luxembourg to fulfil its obligations towards the United Nations, the scope of the law had to be further amended on multiple occasions.

Location : Musée National d’Histoire militaire, 10, Bamertal L-9209 Diekirch
On display:
Since 13th December 2022
Visiting hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 10 AM to 6 PM
Languages: French
Additional information:
- (+352) 80 89 08