Hell in Hürtgen Forest Hell in Hürtgen Forest

    Hell in Hürtgen Forest

    The Ordeal & Triumph of an American Infantry Regiment


    1 auf Lager

    Sixty-four percentof all casualties suffered by American forces during WW2 were in infantry regiments, which made up about 10 percents of the mobilized forces. Because of the small number of divisions organized, the inflatry in Europe were seldom taken out of the line for any length of time, causing replacements to be fed into the line, many times while the battle raged. Fourtunately, the structure and strength of an infantry regiment in WW2 gave the capability to perform effectively over a rather prolonged period of constant combat. The three-battalion makeup, together with canon, antitank, and the other normal companies and attachments, gave the regiment reasonable staying power, flexibility, and a magnificent esprit de corps, if well trained...


    "1 Introduction

    And the place we were going to fight in, which I had taken a good look at, was going to be Passchendaele with tree bursts. I say that too much. But I think that too much. Ernest Hemingway

    Gray November skies hung low over the irregular line of foxholes and bunkers that made up the forward positions of the German 275th Infanterie Division. On 16 November, as a steady drizzle dripped through the trees that stood in dense rows throughout the forest known as the Hürtgenwald, small groups of chilled soldiers patrolled its dark recesses. Mud sucked at boots and the occasional thump of artillery sounded in the distance as the men crisscrossed the land between the Roter and Weisser Weh streams, looking for signs of the expected Ami attack. A kilometer away, American soldiers in the rifle and weapons companies of the 22d Infantry Regiment rolled their blankets and ate what would be their last hot breakfast for eighteen days, while officers and NCOs made last minute preparations for the assault. Later, soldiers in the forward companies crossed the Roter Weh and Began climbing the slope through the firs toward the Rur Plain just five miles ahead, entering into eighteen days of unmitigated hell in the "death factory" of the Hürtgen Forest.


    Sehr guter Zustand des Buches!


    University  Press of Kansas


    Robert Sterling Rush







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    Gewicht0.755 kg
    Höhe23.5 cm
    Breite15.5 cm
    Tiefe3 cm

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